Abel Cass  


Abel Cass
Photo provided by Marla Morris

Abel was born and raised in Longview, Texas. He graduated from Baylor University where he benefited from the wisdom and support of his professors in Ministry Guidance, and ultimately focused on studio art where he met his best friend and the owner of his favorite smile, Rhiana. He landed in Webster after graduation and has called Ecclesia Clear Lake his church home since 2008. He has two wonderful children with insatiable curiosity and a humbling capacity for compassion and empathy.

Abel started his career in public education in 2006. He’s taught in visual arts and CTE classrooms, supported and coached other educators in integrating and implementing educational technology, and served students, teachers, and parents and community members in campus administration. His favorite moments are enabling others to be in their element and learn more about themselves and how they connect with the world around them.

Abel has been working on listening better, both to other people and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He still has a lot to learn, and he’s grateful to be surrounded by opportunities to do so.