Hello, Church Family!
We have many things happening in the life of our community that help us deepen our communion with God, and that help us deepen our communion with others. I'd like to take a few minutes to share them with you.
Worship Space Renovation - This week, we are renovating our space to build a new stage. Our new stage space will include a more "Table-Centric" design (centering the communion table in front of our stage), larger stage surface area, and off-stage-storage. The new stage will be ready to go by August 4.
Lori Arnold Preaching - Speaking of August 4, we are excited to have ECLer Lori Arnold preach this coming Sunday. She will be concluding our Colossians series. I'm excited for us to sit under her leadership and teaching.
Hosting Mercy Tree Two Days a Week - Starting this week we are hosting Mercy Tree on Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week. This organization not only offers people without homes lunch, but they provide daily opportunities for prayer, scripture reading, and building community. This is one of the most important ministries in our area. We are excited to increase our partnership to two days a week.
It is my honor and privilege to serve as your pastor. Please let me know how I can be praying for you.
Pastor Coby
Family News
Aug 1, 2019