Congregation-Wide Meeting on Nov. 17
Oct 29, 2019

This past summer, over 60 people from our church community were invited to participate in intentional listening exercises with the elders in order to get a sense of our self-perception as a community. We have taken the notes from the conversations and used them to write a narrative of our current shared reality. On November 17, we will have a congregation-wide meeting to explore and process the narrative as a community. The meeting will be held at our church facility (218 Clear Creek Ave.) from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

This is an important conversation for a number of reasons. Processing the story together will help us deepen our relationships with one another. It will also help us better understand how we see ourselves. This is the first step in our elders working together to establish a clear and compelling vision of emerging futures for our congregation. I hope you can make it. If you cannot make it but want to be involved in the conversation, email me (Coby@ecclesiaclearlake.org) so we can make other arrangements.

We will have childcare available for 2nd graders and under. Please RSVP for childcare by November 13 so we can adequately prepare. RSVPs can be emailed to our Director of Family Ministry, Karis McQuinn, at Karis@ecclesiaclearlake.org. While we don’t have anything organized for 3rd graders and up, children are welcome to quietly sit in the meeting with books, drawing/coloring books, and devices. Sixth graders and up are invited to help assist our childcare workers that evening. Email Karis if your 6th-12th grader wants to help.

Pastor Coby