Hello, Church Family! During the worship service on Sunday, I shared some exciting news. Our staff at ECL will be growing! On January 8, Ashley Kinsel will join the staff for a part-time combination position, Director of Youth Ministry and Director of Operations.
Director of Youth Ministry
We have a growing youth ministry with some incredible youth ministry volunteers. Ashley will work around five hours a week to organize the youth ministry, invest in our adult leaders, and pour into our students.
Director of Operations
After participating in the listening exercises, it became clear that we needed a person to help create infrastructure and systems that will better allow us to meet our deep longings and our emerging futures. Ashley will spend approximately five hours a week providing vision, leadership, and structure for facilities management, communications, and hospitality.
About Ashley
For the past 10 years Ashley served as the Associate Pastor of Youth, Worship, and Administration at the Vineyard Church of Galveston/Clear Lake. She is a seasoned and gifted church leader with a deep love for Jesus and a passion to help the Church thrive. Ashley attended Clear Lake High School and has an undergraduate degree in Christianity from Houston Baptist University. Ashley's husband, Thomas, is a teacher and soccer coach in Dickinson ISD. She has two boys, Amos (3) and Ruben (4 months). The Kinsels are a gift for ECL. Make sure you introduce yourself to them on Ashley's first Sunday, January 12.
Pastor Coby