Family News
Jan 20, 2020

Eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake

During the listening exercise, one of the things the elders realized was we needed to clarify their role for the community. Built upon the framework of the ECL bylaws, this document is intended to provide direction, vision, and structure for the role of elders in our community. It will also be a helpful framework when we add new elders in the future.

Keeping Kids Safe Policy

Children and youth are an integral part of our church community. They have a voice and a role in shaping who we are and who we become. Our role as adults in the community is to create safe space for their faith in the triune God to be nurtured. This is both a spiritual and a physical safety. In partnership with the Director of Family Ministries, Karis McQuinn, the elders created and approved the Keeping Kids Safe Policy. The policy is intended to be enforced at all ECL events, on and off campus.

Youth Ministry

On January 19th, we are having a welcome party for the Kinsels at the Cagles' house (18219 Blanchmont Ln). Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Siblings are welcome too! We will gather to eat and to get to know Ashley. Pizza will be provided. We will start around noon.