We have some exciting news. After much prayer, thought, and many conversations, the elders would like to nominate two new candidates for eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake: Lauren Kussro and Joe Bibby.
Both Lauren and Joe already lead and serve in various capacities at ECL. Lauren helps lead worship through music, she coordinates a prayer time before church every Sunday, and she is a key contributor to our art ministry. Joe serves as a teacher on the children's ministry team, he regularly serves communion, and he manages our website and our podcast.
On March 22, we will have a quick election after church. All people who consider ECL home are encouraged to stay and participate. If the candidates are voted into eldership, we will commission them in the worship service on March 29. If you have any questions, please contact one of the elders.
Please take time to read the following documents so you can make an educated vote:
1. Elder Profile - Lauren Kussro
2. Elder Profile - Joe Bibby
3. Eldership at ECL - A document outlining the roles and responsibilities of an elder at our church.
The Elders at Ecclesia Clear Lake