Important Message About COVID-19
Mar 12, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We know that this is a time of concern, confusion, and questions. As leaders of this community, we are seeking wisdom through prayer, discussion, and research as we process the best proactive responses to the COVID-19 situation.

There are many decisions to be made, particularly as they pertain to caring for the immunocompromised and vulnerable in our community, city, and beyond. While there are still a great deal of unknown variables in this situation, we as leaders are seeking counsel from other churches, local officials, and medical professionals to determine the best way to embody love to those who would be most profoundly affected by COVID-19.

We are seeking not to react out of fear, but to respond from a desire to love our community well, and to protect our healthcare system and the most vulnerable. We desire to be a voice of peace, and a community of love in the midst of this pandemic.

So we ask that you join with us in prayer, as we face tough decisions in an unprecedented situation. We ask that you embody love to everyone around you, knowing that this pandemic is cause for serious concern. Be gentle in word and deed and be the body of Christ in the world. Please heed the advice of medical professionals regarding handwashing, and other steps to minimize the spread of illness.

We will have more news regarding decisions around our public gatherings very soon.

We pray that you feel the presence of Christ’s peace in this difficult time.

The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake

Marla Morris
Melissa Pride
Lacy Hilbrich
Lucas Hilbrich
Coby Cagle
John Hatfield