Public Gatherings Suspended Through May 3rd
Apr 3, 2020

Dear Church Family,

In light of Governor Greg Abbott's executive order, the elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake decided to extend the suspension of public gatherings through May 3rd. We will continue to stream our prayer and sermon time every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Also, we have added two additional online gatherings: Prayer Chapel (Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m.) and Going Deeper (Sundays @ 11:00 a.m.). You can find more information and register for the online gatherings on our website (ecclesiaclearlake.org/events).

If you need prayer, email us at prayer@ecclesiaclearlake.org. If you or anybody you know needs extra support, please contact one of the elders.

The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake

Marla Morris
Melissa Pride
Lacy Hilbrich
Lucas Hilbrich
Coby Cagle
John Hatfield