Dear Church Family,
We are writing to let you know that Lacy Hilbrich has recently resigned from eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake. She has led with courage and strength for the past 13 years. We would not be who we are today without her faithfulness and leadership. We are grateful for the many ways she has blessed and shaped us. Please read her letter of resignation below.
The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake
Dear Ecclesia Clear Lake,
to those that have gathered together with me for more than 13 years,
to those that have joined around the Table all along the way,
to those who have recently come to find a home at ECL,
Thank you, friends. Thank you for being a piece in a beautiful season of my life. Thank you for pushing me forward and reminding me regularly that the journey is beautiful. The story of this community is a picture of change and growth and new life. It is from this place that I have become increasingly aware that my time as a leader and teacher at ECL has come to an end.
As we have grown and new leadership has developed, so has my role. Our community has diversified. This place is filled with talent, gifts and people that are well equipped to lead the next season in the life of this church. Over the last year, I have found myself personally out of sorts and unsettled. After spending all of my adult life in church ministry, I am tired. This is not how I long to lead or live. In light of these changes inside of me, I resigned from the Elder board in March.
Unfortunately, the season of social distancing has made this transition hard on both the church and my own spirit. While a letter is perhaps not the best way for me to express my heart, I want you to know that I long for this place to thrive. I long for my own soul to thrive. I need to write more and breathe deeply. I need to advocate for myself and others in places that I have yet to explore. I have deep soul callings in this season, and living into them requires an intentional step away from the church.
Thank you for the many ways that you have empowered me to love and serve in this place.
I am honored to call you friends,
Lacy Hilbrich