Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner/ Ash Wednesday Service
Feb 9, 2023

This coming week we enter in to the season of Lent. While a season of reflecting on the heavy events that led to Jesus' death and resurrection, it is also a rich season of practicing being present and intentionally pressing in to the practices that draw us in to deeper communion with God and with each other. We feast, we fast, we pray, we meditate, and we celebrate. We hope you plan to join us for the special times of fellowship as we journey together this Lenten season.

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner, Feb. 21st @ 6:00 pm. Join us at ECL to eat some delicious pancakes together. If you are interested in helping flip pancakes, please reach out to karis@ecclesiaclearlake.org

Ash Wednesday service, Feb 22nd. @ 6:00 pm. Join us for a simple outdoor Ash Wednesday service around a campfire (Weather permitting). We will meet on the lawn of the church to pray, read scripture, reflect on the meaning of Ash Wednesday, and participate in the imposition of ashes. If rain is expected we will have the service indoors.