Mar 19, 2020
  • April 3rd Update: Extended the suspension of public gatherings through May 3rd

Dear Church Family,

The elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake have decided to extend the suspension of public gatherings through April 10. We will continue to keep you updated through email and on our website. Meanwhile, please join us on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. as we live stream our prayer time and sermon. You can access the live stream on our website. Furthermore, beginning next Wednesday, we are experimenting with a weekly online Prayer Chapel at 8:00 p.m. We'll have more information about that in our next eBlast.

If you need prayer, email us at prayer@ecclesiaclearlake.org. If you or anybody you know needs extra support, please contact one of the elders.

The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake

Marla Morris
Melissa Pride
Lacy Hilbrich
Lucas Hilbrich
Coby Cagle
John Hatfield

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Mar 15, 2020

Hello, ECL Kids families,
What a bizarre time! I am praying for emotional, physical and spiritual health for all of you as we navigate this together. I will miss gathering with you so very much, your family is a GIFT to me and it's an honor to come together with you each week. In addition to the material our leadership is providing on our website, I wanted to give you some child friendly options for your family worship experience. I have reformatted our weekly curriculum to reflect discussions and activities that can be done together at home. I know it can be difficult to change our routines, and adding in family worship will be a battle for so many of us! Hopefully these resources will help make it easier for you. Below are 2 options: Early Childhood and Elementary.

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Mar 13, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are aware of the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19 and are committed to prayer, decisive response, and thoughtful intentionality. There are many moving parts and details to this response, and we ask you to continue in prayer with us during this time.

The best science and research available indicates that gathering in large groups increases transmission of the virus, which impacts those who are immunocompromised, immunodeficient, or vulnerable due to age and underlying medical conditions.

It is important to note: there is no model for this. This situation is rapidly evolving, and people are doing the best they can to respond appropriately. We will not shame, disparage, or denigrate any other community for the way they choose to handle this situation, just as we would not want to be disparaged for the decisions we make.

After much prayer and discussion, the elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake have decided to temporarily suspend our public gatherings for the remainder of March, in order to protect the most vulnerable among us and love our community well. This is an ever-evolving situation, and the elders will constantly monitor and update our church on any further decisions.

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Mar 12, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We know that this is a time of concern, confusion, and questions. As leaders of this community, we are seeking wisdom through prayer, discussion, and research as we process the best proactive responses to the COVID-19 situation.

There are many decisions to be made, particularly as they pertain to caring for the immunocompromised and vulnerable in our community, city, and beyond. While there are still a great deal of unknown variables in this situation, we as leaders are seeking counsel from other churches, local officials, and medical professionals to determine the best way to embody love to those who would be most profoundly affected by COVID-19.

We are seeking not to react out of fear, but to respond from a desire to love our community well, and to protect our healthcare system and the most vulnerable. We desire to be a voice of peace, and a community of love in the midst of this pandemic

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Mar 9, 2020

We have some exciting news. After much prayer, thought, and many conversations, the elders would like to nominate two new candidates for eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake: Lauren Kussro and Joe Bibby.

Both Lauren and Joe already lead and serve in various capacities at ECL. Lauren helps lead worship through music, she coordinates a prayer time before church every Sunday, and she is a key contributor to our art ministry. Joe serves as a teacher on the children's ministry team, he regularly serves communion, and he manages our website and our podcast.

On March 22, we will have a quick election after church. All people who consider ECL home are encouraged to stay and participate. If the candidates are voted into eldership, we will commission them in the worship service on March 29. If you have any questions, please contact one of the elders.

Please take time to read the following documents so you can make an educated vote:
1. Elder Profile - Lauren Kussro
2. Elder Profile - Joe Bibby
3. Eldership at ECL - A document outlining the roles and responsibilities of an elder at our church.


The Elders at Ecclesia Clear Lake

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Mar 9, 2020

Invitation to Racial Righteousness
On March 27-28 there is a discipleship class being held at Access Covenant Church on the west side of Houston.
Baptism and Dedication Information Meeting
On March 29 from 11:30 to Noon, Pastor Coby is having an information meeting to help people learn more about the sacrament of baptism and the celebration of baby dedication.
5th Sunday Worship Service
Just a reminder that, on March 29, we will welcome all of our kids (4 years and older) to join us in the entire morning service. How great it is to participate in multi-generational worship through song, teaching, and communion.
Upcoming Gatherings I Save the date
April 9 @ 6:30 p.m. | Maundy Thursday Potluck Dinner and Service
April 10 @ 6:30 p.m. | Good Friday Service

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Mar 9, 2020

As we reflect on the lectionary texts this year I want to encourage you to read the texts we do not cover during our Sunday morning gatherings at home.

March 15, 2020
Exodus 17:1-7
Psalm 95
Romans 5:1-11
John 4:5-42

March 22, 2020
1 Samuel 16:1-13
Psalm 23
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41

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Mar 3, 2020

Recently, I've been asking our Alexa device to play Christian songs that influenced my faith as a teenager. I've listened to contemporary Christian artists like Rich Mullins and Third Day as well as rap (GRITS) and pop punk (MXPX). One of my favorites was a singer/song writer named Chris Rice. I've always loved Chris' sincerity and his apparent thirst to be in a deeper relationship with God.

This morning as I was making my kids breakfast and lunch I asked Alexa to play Rice's album, Deep Enough to Dream. The song "Hallelujah's" came on and I was instantly brought back to a time where I'd listen to the song daily as I sought to connect with the living God in all aspects of my life.

These are the opening lines:
A purple sky to close the day
I wade the surf where dolphins play
The taste of salt, the dance of waves
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs

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Mar 3, 2020

April 9 @ 6:30 p.m. | Maundy Thursday Potluck Dinner and Service
April 10 @ 6:30 p.m. | Good Friday Service

Invitation to Racial Righteousness
On March 27-28 there is a discipleship class being held at Access Covenant Church on the west side of Houston. The work shop will be Friday evening and all day on Saturday.

Baptism and Dedication Information Meeting
On March 29 from 11:30 to Noon, Pastor Coby is having an information meeting to help people learn more about the sacrament of baptism and the celebration of baby dedication.

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Mar 3, 2020

As we reflect on the lectionary texts this year I want to encourage you to read the texts we do not cover during our Sunday morning gatherings at home.

March 1, 2020
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
Psalm 32
Romans 5:12-19
Matthew 4:1-11

March 8, 2020
Genesis 12:1-4a
Psalm 121
Romans 4:1-5, 13-17
John 3:1-17 or Matthew 17:1-9

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