Mar 1, 2024

Lent is a season of coming to terms with our own mortality. In Advent we celebrate “God with us” and in Lent we journey through all that choosing humanity costs. Jesus invites us to walk a different way. Jesus invites us to be image bearers, not image makers.

This season of Lent, Karis shared a wonderful talk and invited us to a new practice. To take 1 minute a day and just look at your reflection. A holy pause to notice the Light in you, reflecting to a weary world. A holy pause to honor that you are an image bearer. A holy pause to delight in your own image of God in You. Look in the mirror, really look, until you can see the image of God in every wrinkle. The goodness of God fill your eyes. The love of God overwhelm your mouth as your lips turn upward. The holy reflection of God shining in all that you are, all that you carry, all that you reflect. You are light bouncing off the mirror to reveal the Light of the world.

We also invite you to individually or as a family to donate a mirror to the church. On the back we ask that you write...

"I/We reflect God's _________" (You fill in the blank)

We ask for the mirrors to be brought to church by Palm Sunday, March 24th. We will fill the stage with mirrors for Easter Sunday.

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Feb 13, 2024

We will not be gathering in person tomorrow for Ash Wednesday but we wanted to share with you an at-home Ash Wednesday Guide with some reflections and prayers to read through and engage in for individuals and families with young ones.

Download Ash Wednesday Guide

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Feb 1, 2024

Hello, Church Family!

In just a few short weeks we enter in to the season of Lent. While a season of reflecting on the heavy events that led to Jesus' death and resurrection, it is also a rich season of practicing being present and intentionally pressing in to the practices that draw us in to deeper communion with God and with each other. We feast, we fast, we pray, we meditate, and we celebrate. We hope you plan to join us for the special times of fellowship as we journey together this Lenten season.

First, Mark your calendars to kick it all off with our Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner, Feb. 13th @ 5:30 pm.

We are looking for a few people to help flip pancakes and a few to help clean up. If you are available, contact Karis or Drea.

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Dec 21, 2023

When the sun goes down on December 24, we officially begin Christmastide, twelve days of celebrating the birth of Christ the Savior.

On New Years Eve Day, Sunday Dec 31st, those who are in town are invited to gather at the church for a potluck brunch at 10AM. We will worship by breaking bread and sharing in communion.

On Jan 7, we will celebrate Epiphany together. Christmastide culminates on Epiphany which is January 6th and we will observe this day together on this Sunday. Epiphany, which means 'reveal', celebrates Jesus being revealed and worshipped as God with us.

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Dec 14, 2023

Join us, December 24th at our normal worship time of 10:00am, as we gather to tell the story of Emmanuel, God with us. We tell this story every year. We tell this story because it illustrates so clearly God’s desire to be in relationship with us. We tell this story because we, too, are invited to come to the manger and witness the miracle of birth. We tell this story because it brings us hope and good news—hope especially for those deemed powerless, unworthy, or unwelcome. We tell this story because it is a story we need to hear again and again; if we didn’t tell it, what would become of our faith? And so, on this day, we will tell this story to pass along the good news and to continue to thread together the generations with hope. We hope you will join us.

Jesus Christ is coming. We wait and prepare in hope, peace, joy, and love.

Please note that we will not be having an evening service on December 24th

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Nov 30, 2023

Wear your favorite PJ's and bring some snuggly blankets and pillows and plan to join us!

ECL Christmas Movie Night!

Saturday. Dec 16th @ 6:00pm

We will view the movie 'Arthur Christmas'. Feel free to bring a festive treat or snack to share.

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Nov 16, 2023

Sunday, November 26th we will worship together by breaking bread and decking the halls of our 218 building!

Mark your calendars and plan to bring a brunch food or snack food to share. We will have time to eat, take communion, and work together on preparing our building for the coming Advent season.

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Oct 26, 2023

For our Sunday Morning Worship Service this week, join us at 10 AM for a brunch potluck. Bring a favorite brunch item to share. We will spend the morning breaking bread and sharing in each others lives.

All ages will be together for our meal, there will be no kid connect or early childhood class.

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Oct 26, 2023

We have a great opportunity for our ECL kids! Mrs. Alicia and Mrs. Karis will be putting together a children's choir to lead a worship song during the advent season.

Rehearsals will be at 9:15 on Sunday mornings, beginning Nov. 12th, and any child grades 1st-5th is welcome to join. They will be learning one song and will be sharing it with our congregation on December 17th and December 24th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Alicia or Karis.

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Sep 17, 2023

We have some exciting news. After much prayer, thought, and many conversations, the elders would like to nominate three new candidates for eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake: Kris Armstrong, Bri Perea, and Michael Rice.

On October 1st, we will have a quick election after church. All people who consider ECL home are encouraged to stay and participate. If the candidates are voted into eldership, we will commission them in the worship service on a future Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact one of the elders.

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