Dec 21, 2022

Join us, December 24th at 5:00 pm, as we listen to the story of Immanuel, God with us. We tell this story every year. We tell this story because it illustrates so clearly God’s desire to be in relationship with us. We tell this story because we, too, are invited to come to the manger and witness the miracle of birth. We tell this story because it brings us hope and good news—hope especially for those deemed powerless, unworthy, or unwelcome. We tell this story because it is a story we need to hear again and again; if we didn’t tell it, what would become of our faith? And so, on this night, we will tell this story to pass along the good news and to continue to thread together the generations with hope. We hope you will join us.

Jesus Christ is coming. We wait and prepare in hope, peace, joy, and love.

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Dec 15, 2022

When the sun goes down on December 24, we officially begin Christmastide, twelve days of celebrating the birth of Christ the Savior. We hope you join us for our Christmas Eve Service, December 24th, at 5:00pm.

On Christmas Day, Sunday Dec 25, we will not be gathering together. We hope that you experience deep and rich worship in all of your Christmas morning celebrations.

On New Years Day, Sunday Jan 1, those who are in town are invited to gather at the church for a potluck brunch at 10AM. We will worship by breaking bread and sharing in communion.

On Jan 8, we will resume regular Sunday morning worship times. Christmastide culminates on Epiphany which is January 5th and we will observe this day together on this Sunday. Epiphany, which means 'reveal', celebrates Jesus being revealed and worshipped as God with us.

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Nov 30, 2022


How wonderful to share that this week we have already raised $551. Thank you for your faithful and generous giving.

Dear Church family,

In the past month, El Salvador was hit by hurricane Julia and it caused flooding and landslides across the country. There are so many heartbreaking stories of loss.

We have been invited to join our dear friends at Iglesia Cielos Abiertos in raising funds to provide relief. Pastora Deysi's brother lives near a family who lost their entire home, all their belongings, and their 4 year old son, Carlitos, due to a landslide. ICA and partner churches in El Salvador are raising funds to build a house and buy basic necessities for this single mother and her remaining children.

For the month of November we would love to raise a total of $1500 to support this family. We welcome donations of any amount. All proceeds will go directly to ICA.

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Nov 17, 2022

What a privilege it will be to sit under the leadership of Pastor Jeremias Parada this Sunday. He pastors our partner church, Iglesia Cielos Abiertos. Pastor Jeremias shares often how much he prays for and cares for our community, we are so very thankful to share in ministry with the Parada family. We hope that you will join us this Sunday!

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Nov 16, 2022

Sunday, November 27th we will break bread together again with a Sunday Brunch! We hope you join us and bring a favorite dish to share as we commune together.

We will celebrate the first Sunday of a new church calendar and the beginning of Advent - a season dedicated to the hopeful anticipation for the arrival or "advent" of Jesus. We will light the first candle of Hope.

And lastly, plan to stick around toward the end of our brunch time so we can "deck the halls" of our lovely church building. Lights, trees, ornaments to welcome the advent and Christmas season!

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Oct 26, 2022

This Sunday, October 30, we have the opportunity to have a panel discussion with Coby as he steps down in his role as lead pastor. Pastor Coby is so important to all of us and we are glad to have this time to honor him and to process this transition together. We hope that you plan to join.

It is also family Sunday and our kids will be joining us in worship service. For toddler parents, we will offer babysitting Sunday during service, instead of our usual class time together. We have amazing people lined up to take good care of your kids (3 and under) while the majority of our volunteers and teachers are in worship, experiencing this day of transition together.

However, all of our kiddos are invited to join Mrs. Karis at the picnic table (weather permitting) to read a sweet Halloween book and make a spider donut. We will gather at 9:30 and wrap up before service begins. Parents, please plan to stay in the general proximity of the table, to help keep our kids from running in to the street :)

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Oct 6, 2022

A letter was sent out from Pastor Coby with an update on his Sabbatical. You can read the letter here.


If you have questions or need to process, please feel free to reach out to any of the elders.

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Sep 29, 2022

Join us over the next 3 Sundays as we take a break from our traditional format.

October 2nd | Hymn Sing

Come and sing together! "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!"

October 9th | Family style Brunch

Bring a dish to share as we gather together to break bread and enjoy a meal together. All ages will be together for our meal, there will be no kid connect or early childhood class.

October 16th | Lectio Divina

This will be a time of scripture reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's Word.

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Sep 1, 2022

We have an exciting opportunity for us to grow closer to one another and for us to create a clearer vision of who we are and who we want to be as a church family. This fall we will work with Trisha Taylor of The Leader's Journey to engage in two purposeful listening exercises. We want to invite all who consider themselves a part of Ecclesia Clear Lake to make these conversations a priority.

There are two registrations, one for the September date and one for the October date, we would love for you to attend both. Childcare will be provided for 10 & under, please be sure to list each child and age on the registration. If you have any questions you can ask any of our elders.

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Aug 31, 2022

We will be having a baptism Sunday in mid to late September. If you are interested in being baptized please reach out to Pastor Coby - coby@ecclesiaclearlake.org

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