Mar 20, 2020
The first time I remember strength training for football I was in the 3rd grade. I had just started my 14 year football career, playing for the Sagemont Cowboys. Our coach was teaching us proper form for push-ups. The only thing I remember him telling me was, "Cagle, don't forget to breathe!" I didn't realize it, but I was focusing so hard on doing something new, something hard, that I failed to breathe.
While breathing may seem obvious, you'd be surprised how often people forget to breathe properly when doing something difficult. And yet, the body needs oxygen for muscles to function well. Getting stronger isn't just about proper lifting. It's also about proper breathing.
I've been thinking about the advice my little league coach gave me as I've encountered all the new and difficult things Covid-19 is bringing our way. In addition to all the necessary adjustments we are making to ensure fewer people get the virus, we are also adjusting to new schedules, new work environments, and isolation. Don't forget to breathe.
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