Mar 22, 2020

Recording of today's Live Stream now available

Want a new song to sing?

DOXOLOGY + AMEN, by our very own John Hatfield, is now available to stream on YouTube.

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Mar 22, 2020

Hello, Family,
I hope this finds you safe, healthy and Peaceful, my friends. Please know I am covering you and yours in prayer as we continue to navigate this season together. Attached are worship materials for you to utilize for your kiddos tomorrow. Again, the Early Childhood material is appropriate for toddler- kinder (although my family all participated in the lesson last week and my older elementary boys were blessed by it!) and utilizes the Jesus Storybook Bible. There is a youtube link to the story if you don’t have a Jesus Storybook Bible. The elementary material will go along with the lectionary text and help to spur conversation with your school aged kiddos.

God be near and very present in your family, friends.
Much Love,

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Mar 20, 2020

The first time I remember strength training for football I was in the 3rd grade. I had just started my 14 year football career, playing for the Sagemont Cowboys. Our coach was teaching us proper form for push-ups. The only thing I remember him telling me was, "Cagle, don't forget to breathe!" I didn't realize it, but I was focusing so hard on doing something new, something hard, that I failed to breathe.

While breathing may seem obvious, you'd be surprised how often people forget to breathe properly when doing something difficult. And yet, the body needs oxygen for muscles to function well. Getting stronger isn't just about proper lifting. It's also about proper breathing.

I've been thinking about the advice my little league coach gave me as I've encountered all the new and difficult things Covid-19 is bringing our way. In addition to all the necessary adjustments we are making to ensure fewer people get the virus, we are also adjusting to new schedules, new work environments, and isolation. Don't forget to breathe.

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Mar 20, 2020

As we reflect on the lectionary texts this year I want to encourage you to read the texts we do not cover during our Sunday morning gatherings at home.

March 22, 2020

March 29, 2020

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Mar 20, 2020

Our baptism and dedication information meeting will be rescheduled when we resume public gatherings.

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Mar 20, 2020

Next Wednesday we are experimenting with an online Prayer Chapel from 8:00-8:30 p.m. using Google Meet. You can join using audio and video from your computer or you can simply call in. The hope is for us to have space to connect, encourage one another, and pray with one another. If you are interested in joining, please RSVP here. The link you will use to join us will be emailed out 15 minutes before the chapel.

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Mar 19, 2020
  • April 3rd Update: Extended the suspension of public gatherings through May 3rd

Dear Church Family,

The elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake have decided to extend the suspension of public gatherings through April 10. We will continue to keep you updated through email and on our website. Meanwhile, please join us on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. as we live stream our prayer time and sermon. You can access the live stream on our website. Furthermore, beginning next Wednesday, we are experimenting with a weekly online Prayer Chapel at 8:00 p.m. We'll have more information about that in our next eBlast.

If you need prayer, email us at prayer@ecclesiaclearlake.org. If you or anybody you know needs extra support, please contact one of the elders.

The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake

Marla Morris
Melissa Pride
Lacy Hilbrich
Lucas Hilbrich
Coby Cagle
John Hatfield

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Mar 15, 2020

Hello, ECL Kids families,
What a bizarre time! I am praying for emotional, physical and spiritual health for all of you as we navigate this together. I will miss gathering with you so very much, your family is a GIFT to me and it's an honor to come together with you each week. In addition to the material our leadership is providing on our website, I wanted to give you some child friendly options for your family worship experience. I have reformatted our weekly curriculum to reflect discussions and activities that can be done together at home. I know it can be difficult to change our routines, and adding in family worship will be a battle for so many of us! Hopefully these resources will help make it easier for you. Below are 2 options: Early Childhood and Elementary.

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Mar 13, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are aware of the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19 and are committed to prayer, decisive response, and thoughtful intentionality. There are many moving parts and details to this response, and we ask you to continue in prayer with us during this time.

The best science and research available indicates that gathering in large groups increases transmission of the virus, which impacts those who are immunocompromised, immunodeficient, or vulnerable due to age and underlying medical conditions.

It is important to note: there is no model for this. This situation is rapidly evolving, and people are doing the best they can to respond appropriately. We will not shame, disparage, or denigrate any other community for the way they choose to handle this situation, just as we would not want to be disparaged for the decisions we make.

After much prayer and discussion, the elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake have decided to temporarily suspend our public gatherings for the remainder of March, in order to protect the most vulnerable among us and love our community well. This is an ever-evolving situation, and the elders will constantly monitor and update our church on any further decisions.

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Mar 12, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We know that this is a time of concern, confusion, and questions. As leaders of this community, we are seeking wisdom through prayer, discussion, and research as we process the best proactive responses to the COVID-19 situation.

There are many decisions to be made, particularly as they pertain to caring for the immunocompromised and vulnerable in our community, city, and beyond. While there are still a great deal of unknown variables in this situation, we as leaders are seeking counsel from other churches, local officials, and medical professionals to determine the best way to embody love to those who would be most profoundly affected by COVID-19.

We are seeking not to react out of fear, but to respond from a desire to love our community well, and to protect our healthcare system and the most vulnerable. We desire to be a voice of peace, and a community of love in the midst of this pandemic

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