Apr 24, 2020

As we reflect on the lectionary texts this year I want to encourage you to read the texts we do not cover during our Sunday morning service, at home.

April 26, 2020

Acts 2:14a, 36–41

Psalm 116:1–4, 12–19

1 Peter 1:17–23

Luke 24:13–35

May 3, 2020

Acts 2:42–47

Psalm 23

1 Peter 2:19–25

John 10:1–10

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Apr 19, 2020

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Apr 15, 2020

Church Family,

Your generosity this past week blew me away. We greatly exceeded our original goal of $2000. We ended up raising $5,635! Add the $3,000 from the church's cash reserves and our grand total was $8,635. This morning I finalized the purchase of 35 Samsung Chromebooks for League City Elementary.

Originally we were quoted $200 per Chromebook. We ended up having to pay around $245 per unit. The demand for Chromebooks has risen sharply in the past few weeks causing the supply to drop dramatically. It has become very difficult to quickly acquire new Chromebooks in bulk. Some companies said they couldn't deliver until the summer.

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Apr 12, 2020

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Apr 10, 2020

Tonight we encourage you to personally reflect, gather online with friends, or gather with your family and read below a portion of the lectionary reading for Good Friday. Allow yourself to remember that, even in our current circumstances, God is near. God is with us. God is pouring God’s self over into creation. This virus is not theological, it’s biological. We do not suffer alone, but we have a God who suffers with us. A God who knows isolation, fear, despair. We can trust God in this season precisely because God, in Christ, inhabits our humanity.

After reading, allow yourself to reflect on the questions below and share with each other if you'd like.

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Apr 9, 2020


April 11th, 2020 Update:

And we just keep going! We've raised $4,885!

With this amount and the $3,000 matching, we have blown way past our goal and almost have the ability to purchase double what we set out to purchase. This is amazing! Thank you for your generous giving.

April 9th, 2020 Update:

We have exceeded our goal! We've raised $3,020!

Great news... In celebration of reaching our goal, the elders have decided to raise the matching amount to $3,000. Let's keep it going and see how many computers we can give. Thank you for your donations!

April 7th, 2020 Update:

Amazing! In just one day ... $1560 was raised!

Give here until Easter Sunday, April 12

Pastor Coby announced this morning our opportunity to meet the needs of our community by raising funds to purchase Chromebooks to send to League City Elementary for kids to engage in online studies. We welcome donations of any amount, but every $200 raised will provide one Chromebook for a student to access their online education.

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Apr 5, 2020

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Apr 4, 2020

Early Childhood

Hi again!
I hope this email finds you well! Attached below are the Early Childhood material for April 5. In our Early Childhood class, we do not cover The Crucifixion. This is because some of the children in that class are unsettled by the details in the story, but you know your kiddos best.



As we continue to maintain safe physical distancing guidelines and shift our worship services to online format, I'm passing on some resources to help your family worship together and experience the significance of this important season. I must admit - I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that we won't be worshiping in person together during Holy Week and Easter Sunday. It seems completely antithetical to everything I've known.

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Apr 3, 2020

Dear Church Family,

In light of Governor Greg Abbott's executive order, the elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake decided to extend the suspension of public gatherings through May 3rd. We will continue to stream our prayer and sermon time every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Also, we have added two additional online gatherings: Prayer Chapel (Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m.) and Going Deeper (Sundays @ 11:00 a.m.). You can find more information and register for the online gatherings on our website (ecclesiaclearlake.org/events).

If you need prayer, email us at prayer@ecclesiaclearlake.org. If you or anybody you know needs extra support, please contact one of the elders.

The Elders of Ecclesia Clear Lake

Marla Morris
Melissa Pride
Lacy Hilbrich
Lucas Hilbrich
Coby Cagle
John Hatfield

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Mar 29, 2020

Recording of today's Live Stream now available

Want a new song to sing?

ALL CREATURES + ALLELUIA, by our very own John Hatfield, is now available to stream on YouTube.

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