Mar 24, 2023

One of the many ways we seek to worship the Triune God and to embody Love is to share in each other's everyday lives. We invite you, for this Easter Sunday, to consider capturing a short video of yourself or your family sharing where you may be experiencing or seeing resurrection life. Places that may have once been dead that are sprouting with new life. You can send your videos to any of our staff members or to ashley@ecclesiaclearlake.org.

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Mar 23, 2023

The elders are pleased to announce that Ashley Kinsel's role has expanded, and her title has been changed, from Director of Operations and Youth Ministry, to Deacon of Liturgy and Communion. While she will continue to maintain her prior responsibilities, she will also provide added direction and leadership by incorporating the lectionary and the church calendar into services, curating speakers, preaching, caring for the staff, and bringing church needs to the attention of the elders. This is an interim position that we believe will greatly support the church through the next several months as our new elders get established and we start the process of searching for a new lead pastor.

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Mar 23, 2023

Our front lawn picnic table is in need of some repair to make it a safe gathering place for us all. Our dear ICO friends and partners are gathering together this Saturday, March 25th at 8am, to work on replacing the broken boards. We could use as many hands as we can get, if you are available, please plan to join at the church to help!

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Feb 23, 2023

Read on for a summary of the church’s actual and budgeted expenses and income for 2023 so far as well as a summary for 2022.

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Feb 23, 2023

We are pleased to share that, during our Annual Meeting, the three Elder nominees were all voted in. We will have a special consecration prayer over Valerie, Josh, and Abel on March 12th.

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Feb 9, 2023

On February 19th, we will have a congregational meeting after church where we will provide a budget update and hold the election for our newly nominated elders. (To hear about our candidates and read their profiles you can visit here) We will vote on these nominees following the steps outlined in our bylaws. All people who consider ECL home are invited and encouraged to stay and participate, the meeting will last about 30 minutes. If you have any questions, please contact one of the elders at elders@ecclesiaclearlake.org

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Feb 9, 2023

This coming week we enter in to the season of Lent. While a season of reflecting on the heavy events that led to Jesus' death and resurrection, it is also a rich season of practicing being present and intentionally pressing in to the practices that draw us in to deeper communion with God and with each other. We feast, we fast, we pray, we meditate, and we celebrate. We hope you plan to join us for the special times of fellowship as we journey together this Lenten season.

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner, Feb. 21st @ 6:00 pm. Join us at ECL to eat some delicious pancakes together. If you are interested in helping flip pancakes, please reach out to karis@ecclesiaclearlake.org

Ash Wednesday service, Feb 22nd. @ 6:00 pm. Join us for a simple outdoor Ash Wednesday service around a campfire (Weather permitting). We will meet on the lawn of the church to pray, read scripture, reflect on the meaning of Ash Wednesday, and participate in the imposition of ashes. If rain is expected we will have the service indoors.

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Jan 26, 2023

Hello, my friends!

This coming Sunday is Family Sunday. It's been a while since we have had a Family Sunday together, so this is a reminder that our kids will be in service with us and KidConnect and KidConnect Jr classes will not be meeting. But wait, there's more!

I was recently asked if I loved teaching Bible class- and my answer is that I love learning in Bible class. Our kids, without exception, teach me about our Great Big God every week (shameless plug: if you would like to learn more about experiencing God through teaching at ECL, let's talk!). The faith our kids have and navigate this world with is amazing. This Sunday, you get the opportunity to engage with what God is doing through our kids!

Inspired by scripture, our very own Kitty and Seraphine brainstormed ways to help kids in need within our community. After thoughtful conversation with mentors and prayer, Kitty and Seraphine have put together a beautiful plan. You will get to hear more about it from them on Sunday but I want to give you a heads up to bring cash :) There will be a giving opportunity that I am confident your kids will want to be part of. Placing actual money into a tangible collection container is a powerful lesson for our kids to participate in. Sunday won't be the only opportunity you have to join in- but it will be the first!

I could not be more proud of our kids or excited for you to hear from them.


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Jan 26, 2023

We have some exciting news! After much prayer, thought, and many conversations, the elders would like to nominate three new candidates for eldership at Ecclesia Clear Lake: Abel Cass, Valerie Hamilton, and Josh McQuinn.

We encourage you to pray over this decision and read their profiles included below. Also, please read over the “Eldership at ECL” document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of an elder at our church.

On February 19th, we will have a congregational meeting after church where we will provide a budget update and hold the election. We will vote on these nominees following the steps outlined in our bylaws. All people who consider ECL home are encouraged to stay and participate. If you have any questions, please contact one of the elders.

Additionally, Jenny Deitz has reached the difficult conclusion that she is no longer able to continue on as an Elder, and will be stepping down at the end of January. We have greatly appreciated all Jenny has contributed as an Elder during her time and look forward to continuing to worship and minister alongside her as she steps away from eldership.

The Elders at Ecclesia Clear Lake

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Dec 29, 2022

On New Years Day, This Sunday Jan 1, those who are in town are invited to gather at the church for a potluck brunch at 10AM. We will worship by breaking bread and sharing in communion.

*All of our children will be joining with us. There will not be Early Childhood Class, KidConnect Jr., KidConnect, or Youth Connect*

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